CASE STUDY: Financial Software Company Required A Specialized Approach

A money management software company was able to create a best-in-class Customer Support Program

A money management software company partnered with World Connection to deliver a best-in-class Customer Support Program.

About the Client:

The financial software company offers tools that subscribers use to track their financial data, from bank account balances, to loan balances and investment account values. Annual subscription renewals (happy customers) account for the largest percentage of the client’s annual revenue.

Client Testimonial:

“I can’t say enough good things about our great call center partner, World Connection. If you need a world-class provider that will make your company shine, look no further than World Connection.” —CFO, Finance/Tech  Industry

What Drove the Need:

The client was frustrated with their relationship and lack of attention from their large contact center partner.  They were aware that their customers require specialized assistance and support, especially since the software involves their finances, a sensitive topic for anybody. 

The Solution:

As personal finance is a subject that shouldn’t be taken lightly, the client decided to give a smaller contact center a try, and that is how they started a pilot program with World Connection.  After the initial 20-person pilot program was successful, the client then decided to ramp up the headcount to 120 agents in under 3 months.  World Connection is now the sole provider of services with over 400 agents combined in Boise, Idaho and Guatemala City.

At the onset, World Connection proactively partnered with the client to re-design its 4-week training program methodology which resulted in agents becoming proficient sooner. This shortened learning curve resulted in zero disruption in service and performance when ramping to 120 agents. 

Also leveraging World Connection’s experience, flexibility and on-shore/near-shore locations, a blended customer service approach enabled the client to provide a white-glove customer service program to its customers without exhausting its budget.


Net Promoter Score: 75% (Goal: 70%)

Contact Resolution: 91.8% (Goal: 90%)

Attrition: 3.70%

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