CASE STUDY: Conversion Rates For Hospitality Client Improve From 5th to 1st

Optimized Results
Leadership performed a Kaizen study to discover opportunities for improvement and aligned the account’s culture to accommodate expectations.

About our Client
One of the largest and most successful lodging franchisors in the world, currently franchising more than 7,000 hotels, representing 570,000 rooms in more than 40 countries and territories.

The Challenge
World Connection was one of our client’s seven vendors worldwide. In one of our more important program indicators, conversion, we were consistently performing in the bottom half compared to the other six. Our first quarter conversion rates for Privileges members was 5.47% under goal (6th of 7) and our conversion rates for non-members was 4.2% under goal (5th of 7). WC account leadership were determined to improve.

The Solution
Leadership performed a Kaizen study to discover opportunities for improvement and, armed with this study, we better aligned the account’s culture to accommodate expectations. We changed our agent experience, adding knowledgebase content, clearer communications, and motivational competitions. Altogether, these served to create purpose and accountability within their jobs, and we saw rapid improvement.

The Results
Over the next quarter, conversion rates for the Privileges program improved 17%, moving World Connection from 6th (of seven vendors) to 2nd, and conversion rates for non-members improved 18% moving our ranking from 5th (of seven) to 1st.

  • 1st of seven vendors in non-member conversion rates (after placing 5th the previous quarter)

  • 17% Improvement in member conversion rates (over previous quarter)

  • 2nd of seven vendors in member conversion rates (after placing 6th the previous quarter)


“Thanks for your continued efforts to establish strong fundamentals, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and execute our mission.”

– Director, Partner Management

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