CASE STUDY: Creating Upsell Opportunities And Language Support For Hospitality Client

Size Does Matter
We are here to help our clients grow, regardless of their size.

About our Client
A start-up hospitality company headquartered in Barcelona, Spain that offers online hotel bookings for longer stays. The company is committed to obtaining and keeping loyal customers and providing them with the best hotel price for stays of three nights or more. Their value proposition is that they do one thing, and they are committed to doing it well for their customers.

How the Relationship Started
This client was looking for a partner offering contact center and back-office support. As a start-up company, standing up and running a call center was not a core competency of theirs. As they explored various BPOs and locations, they struggled to find a BPO that would take their business, as they were looking for only 4 FTEs to start. World Connection’s flexibility-based business model allows us to take on projects of that size, and we were ready to help them grow!

The World Connection Advantage
Once the initial inbound customer service and email operations were established via 4 FTEs, World Connection noticed upsell and cross-sell opportunities in the customer service and support channels. We presented the ideas to the client and helped them create training materials and guidelines for these new sales opportunities, netting an additional €50,000 per month. As the program tripled in size to 12 FTEs, World Connection also added Spanish, French, and German language support. They was delighted with the increased revenue!

We understand the unique challenges start-up companies often face. Our philosophy is simple: We are here to help our clients grow, regardless of their size. In return, World Connection will grow with them.

  • €50,000 in monthly new revenues

  • 4 additional languages added: Spanish, French, and German (in addition to English)

  • 3x growth from 4 FTE to 12


“Thank you, a lot, for all your help and effort. I know you are working hard for [our] success and I really appreciate your partnership.”

– Head of Customer Experience

On Key

Business Process Outsourcing

We can help you drive growth and reduce costs today!

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